Sari Knaapi-Junnila

Sari Knaapi-Junnila is a Project Researcher at Turku School of Economics, University of Turku. Doctoral Researcher (Communication Sciences) at Tampere University, M.Sc. (Health Sciences / University of Jyväskylä).

Currently involved in DELHA (Datan eettinen ja laillinen hallinto) research project at UTU. Before involved in Coper Pilot (2012-2014), YSI – Yliopistosairaalat innovaatioalustana (2017), IHAN Ethics – Ihmislähtöinen datatalous (2018-2020), Third Annual Seminar on Technology Ethics (2019), PRIVASA –Privacy-preserving AI for Synthetic and Anonymous Health Data – Co-Creation project (2020), EODO (Eettinen OmaData Operaattori) research project (2021) and Tethics (Conference on Technology Ethics) 2020 & 2021 at UTU.

Main research interests: the crossroads of communication & healthcare, communication & information technology (ethics), healthcare & information technology (ethics), and all of them together.