Future Ethics

Future Ethics is the leading research group of technology ethics in Finland. Future Ethics resides in Turku School of Economics of the University of Turku. We focus on, but do not limit, our research to information technologies.

The group consists of doctors, doctoral researchers and an active interest group with several professionals from the field of technology and from the field of ethics.

The recent focus with the group has been covering themes such as Data Economy and Ecosystems, AI Ethics, and Digital Democracy and Regulation. Other fields of research include, e.g., game and gamification research, juridical ICT, citizens-centric ICT,  inclusive information systems and classical ethics in relation to ethics of technology.

On top of the traditional course on Information Technology and Ethics the research group teaches information systems on wider scope and ethics of technology both in various educational establishments as well as in different kinds of organisations from businesses, NGOs and GOs.

Future Ethics invites researchers and professionals interested in technology ethics to discuss and challenge thoughts in the annual Conference on Technology Ethics – Tethics. The conference is scientific but casual in nature, and it aims to promote technology ethics research and networking as multidisciplinary field.


Jani Koskinen Ph.D, Adjunct Professorjasiko@utu.fi